So, life has been great lately, lots to look forward to, lots fun stuff to do on the weekend, and oh yeah-it finally feels like fall here, which is amazing in it's own right.
So, of course, I have been thinking about lots of random things lately, from what it would feel like to be a bird (can you imagine the views?) to what is going to happen in the future, lots of daydreaming involved.
And all of this thinking has made me a little (but just a pinch, really) crazy.
Crazy. I keep wanting to know what's going to happen in the future, how it's all going to turn out, but then again I am so deliciously surprised when life hands me something I could have never dreamed of or even prayed for.
However, more often times than not, I am worried, concerned, and anxious, and wondering about what happens in the meantime.
So what do you do in the meantime? In the meantimes, the times between the spaces, between the past and future, between the prayers and the waiting?
I tend to fret, knowing full well that I am not God, yet at the same time still wringing my hands over the simplest things. I tend to trust Him most days, while praying desperately for answers. And then there are some days I wonder if He still has it under control, if he really knows what I want.
Ha-ha-ha! Like the Master of the Universe isn't in control, doesn't know what's happening next.
Oy. Just call me Liz of Little Faith.
A couple of weeks ago is a good example of this waiting in-between-the-spaces time.
My husband had to pick me up from the train station a couple of weeks ago, due to one of the cars being in the shop, so guess what I had to do?
What I don't do so well: wait.
So, he was running late and I had forgotten my cell, so I was stuck, waiting, with no communication as to how long I needed to wait. In fact, I didn't even know he was running late.
So I sort of yelled at God in my head.
I was frustrated, angry and anxious; I was on my way to a writing group that I desperately wanted to attend, yet I was convinced that I would miss it, AND, I was also convinced that God didn't want me to miss this event.
I sat there steaming for a couple of minutes, trying to calm down.
So, a deep breath later, a moment to realize that I am not in control guess what happened?
That's right, Mr. Husband shows up and all ends well.
Now, if I could only learn this lesson for certain, instead of learning it over and over again...