
oil spill, et all.

Oh boy.

Dangerous and almost sad times we live in today.

How do I even begin? How can I even say how astounded and outraged I am?
Don't think there is a word developed yet for this feeling.

Beyond the pointing fingers, beyond the blame, beyond the powers that be...
We need to access our power as people to find a solution; to make sure that this doesn't happen again. Ever.

It's bittersweet having a child in times like these; I am over the moon with joy-
I sincerely did not know the definition of joy until Darling Child was born; and yet now I question the world I am leaving Darling Child; now I question everything.

Darling Child and the rest of the inhabitants of earth deserve better than this.
And certainly those sea turtles, pelicans and birds do.

My hope is that Darling Child grows up and actually knows what a sea turtle is.

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