
Grace, for reals

A couple of days ago, I wrote an entry called 'Grace'.

I've removed it, because the words I wrote had little to do with grace (or mercy, or humbleness, for that matter) and reflected little about grace and revealed much about my current path and state of ego.

In this post, in case you are not one of the two followers on this blog, I wrote a very pious piece about giving cupcakes to a homeless man; a very show-offy piece about how, instead of taking these designer cupcakes home to my family, I gave these to a homeless man on the street, who was digging through trash to find something to eat.

In that post, I also mentioned how I thought a certain friend of mine, whom I'll call M, would have ripped me a new one for doing so, since she (probably, I guessed) thought that I deserved them, since I arranged this party at work, and how dare I give a homeless man one?

So, M and I talked. And it turns out, M also does this-gives food to the homeless, gives money to those who need it, has come across all sorts of characters in life that have presented her with this very same situation-she sees the need too, and the crazy dichotomy of living in a world with so much wealth and so much poverty.

So, in short: I was totally wrong about my opinion of M.
And totally high as a kite on myself, and my pious, saint-like opinion of myself. Big sigh.

Besides realizing that I need to take a BIG step back and reflect...I've also realized that though humble pie is not my favorite dessert, perhaps a slice or two of it every day would not hurt. Though I am so proud of this path (this worn, over grown, weedy path) I've taken to become who I am today, there are others that do the same, and do it quietly, not like the proud, showy peacock I have become as of late.

And though I think I have an idea of real grace, mercy and forgiveness, after talking with M and listening to God, turns out I am just beginning to learn.

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