
Hi Again!

So, while the house is quiet (don't jinx it, don't jinx it...) I thought I would take a moment to sign in again:

Let me re-introduce myself: Hi, I'm Liz.

I live life a bit impatiently, and am currently desperately (REAL desperate some days) trying to have patience with God, and developing faith in Him also. Even though I'm human and somedays I don't think He quite understands my timetable :).

Anyways, so that's the main idea here. This is also a personal blog, so somedays it will be insightful (hopefully) and the topic will be God or faith or forgiveness or something like that, and somedays, like real life, it will be about how much I wish laundry would disappear and somehow I would not have to worry about the constant aging of my neck, or why my husband's hobbies involve so many outdoor activities that involve so many bugs.

So, I guess, expect a surprise every time you check in :)

In the meantime, I will promise to be real (but not too real; you don't want to know when I'm writing this while wearing my rattiest pajamas, I'm sure), and in all of this being real, I will try to pretend I don't feel exposed and that my whole life and thoughts are being judged :)

Sounds like a fair trade-off, right?

Anyways-hope you enjoy. And hope you come back to read more, and also-hope you comment on the writing and topics that you love, and keep quiet about the things you don't. HaHa!

Seriously-let me know what you think. And if you have to say something negative, at least type your email in Comic Sans so my feelings can't get all that damaged-


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