
small town library.

Today I went to the library.

Uneventful in the fact that I am telling you about an errand (this sort of info is worthy of a Facebook update, right? :) but, eventful in that it was fun.

Yes, fun.

I hadn't been to our library since the year we moved here; now, with the economy and all the financial goals we are trying to achieve in our personal lives, the library, the small, small town library is going to have to absorb all my book needs instead of Amazon. (I would insert a sigh here, but I'm trying to be positive.)

So-the interesting thing at the library was not the space (small, tiny, and about 5 stacks on each side of the library doesn't count as 'space'), or the people (all the librarians are sweet, child friendly and well, look exactly like librarians) or the feeling you get upon entering (warmth and a sense that the place is trapped in the late nineties), but all three.

All three of these things, when combined paints a typical small town scene...similar to the one that Garrison Keillor paints once a weekend on his "News From Lake Woebegon" segment of "A Prairie Home Companion"...so quaint, so real so gosh darn relate-able that you feel as if he knows, first hand about these experiences, and because of that, you also feel a quaint fondness for the stories he tells; it makes you feel like home; this is the way I felt at the library.

Amongst the books on tape (and now, CDs!), amongst the well loved and well worn Children's books, amongst the diet books and the now dated reference materials, I finally felt at home in this town; that I knew a thing or two about life,and that, finally, I was content with where we lived. Although it is the smallest and the most rural area I've lived in, I now, finally, love it.

An eventful thing, actually.

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